Quick Impact Projects (QIPs)

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Financed by MINUSMA, Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) are community projects.

These projects are financed for a maximum cost of US$ 50,000 and a maximum 6-months duration, in the fields of:

  • Services and small public infrastructures rehabilitation,
  • Training and awareness-raising activities,
  • Employment and revenue creation.

These projects must have both a quick and long lasting effect meeting priority needs of the population and aim at building confidence towards the peace process, the Mission and its mandate.

Documents to download :


The Form for QIP Funding Request contains two parts:

- Part 1 and Annex 2 are filled by MINUSMA for internal processing.

- Part 2 is to be filled by the Partner requesting funds :

All paragraphs on this Part of the Form (word document) are to be filled.

Incomplete Forms will not be processed.

Please pay attention to the information and remarks on paragraph 26.

Annex 1 is also to be filled by ticking the box which best corresponds to the category of beneficiaries of the project and indicating the number of  beneficiaries.

Fileformulaire_de_demande_minusma_qips_final6.docx (85.25 KB)


The Budget of the project must be editied in Excell in the enclosed format :

- For Infrastructure projects, please use Annex 3.a QIP Budget ModINFRASTRUCTURES.xlsx,

- For other projects, please use Annex 3.b QIP Model Budget.xlsx

Fileannex_3.a_qip_budget_modinfrastructures.xlsx (17.47 KB)

Fileannex_3.b_qip_model_budget.xlsx (15.66 KB)


QIPs Examples

MINUSMA and its partners implement several QIPs projects in the 4 northern regions and in Bamako. These projects have led to equipping public services, improving water access and protecting the environment, carrying out sanitation works or improving electricity distribution networks. Some consist of basic infrastructures’ rehabilitation and construction (town halls, courts, prisons, commissariats, roads, schools, health centres…). Others support direct income generation activities in favour of most vulnerable categories (women, minorities, displaced…). In compliance with the Mission’s mandate, some QIPs contribute to the protection of Malian cultural heritage.

Under the coordination of the Stabilization & Recovery Section, several Mission’s components participate in the implementation of the projects in partnership with every QIP project holder (NGOs, community organizations, international agencies, public partners…). Of these components: Civil Affairs Division, Justice & Corrections Division, Human Rights Division, United Nations Police (UNPOL), military contingents, Public Information Office, Environment & Culture Unit…


QIPs overview from past years :


For more information:

QIPs Unit, Stabilization & Recovery Section, MINUSMA - minusma-qips@un.org


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are QIPs?

2. What are the areas of interventions covered by QIPs?

3. Who can submit a funding request and implement a QIP?

4. What are the prerequisites for an implementing partner?

5. What is the procedure to be followed to submit a funding request for a QIP?[GG1] 


1. What are QIPs?

Financed by MINUSMA, Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) are community projects, for a maximum cost of US$ 50,000 and a maximum 6-months duration. These projects must meet priority needs of the population and have both a quick and long lasting effect while building confidence towards the peace process, the Mission and its mandate.


2. What are the areas of interventions covered by QIPs?

  • Services and small public infrastructures rehabilitation,
  • Training and awareness-raising activities,
  • Employment and revenue creation.


3. Who can submit a funding request and implement a QIP?

Every entity legally registered and operating in the country, not pursuing profit-making purposes but social or public interests, can submit a proposal for funding of a QIP project, namely:

  • National and Local NGOs,
  • Associations,
  • Governmental institutions,
  • International agencies,
  • International organizations...

These entities can become MINUSMA partners within the QIPs progamme. Private companies cannot submit a QIP, although they may implement a project as sub-contractor for one of the partner organizations. The Mission itself, including military contingents, can also realize QIPs.


4. What are the prerequisites for an implementing partner?

  • Proven competencies,
  • Qualified personnel,
  • Have the logistical means necessary for the project’s implementation,
  • Demonstrate transparency and efficiency in the use of resources provided,
  • Legal recognition.


5. What is the procedure to be followed to submit a funding request for a QIP?

Download the QIP funding request form on MINUSMA’s website 

Fill in the form taking into consideration the included drafting instructions

Send the completed form to minusma-qips@un.org or directly deposit it to one of MINUSMA offices in Mopti, Gao, Timbuktu or Kidal.

A project review committee which meets regularly in every MINUSMA regional office will make a selection among received requests and will inform the applicants.