- The Trust Fund for Peace and Security in Mali -
The United Nations Trust Fund for Peace and Security in Mali was created at the request of the Security Council (Resolution 2085 (2012)). The Fund aims to support the efforts of the Government of Mali to face the crisis and guarantee the country's long-term development prospects. More specifically, it is about helping to ensure that Mali succeeds in restoring constitutional order, and in national unity. The Fund also supports the various planned electoral processes; the return of state authority, the rule of law and the reform of the security sector as well as the process of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration / reintegration of ex-combatants (RSS / DDR). The Trust Fund is also intended to help strengthen the technical, logistical and material capacities of the Malian Defense and Security Forces (MDSF). Finally, it participates in immediate and long-term efforts to resolve the crisis in Mali.
To achieve these objectives, the Fund is funded by voluntary contributions from several countries, designated as following donors: Germany, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Sweden, Turkey and UN DOCO.
Since 2013, these contributions have amounted to 118 million dollars, or nearly 67 billion CFA francs (exactly 66,827,482,800.00). At the end of October 2021, $ 102 million had been allocated to 327 projects. The Trust Fund makes possible interventions that meet the medium-term needs of the authorities and communities of central and northern Mali, by contributing to stabilization efforts. These improvements in the daily lives of Malians aim to strengthen popular support for the ongoing peace process and meet the communities' aspirations for a return to law and order.
The Trust Fund provided essential support within the framework of the peace process, allowing inclusive negotiations and the effective implementation of the interim provisions provided for in the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali (2015) in the areas of mediation, reconciliation, SSR / DDR, security, restoration of State authority and rule of law.
The Trust Fund enabled interventions to meet the urgent needs of the populations of northern Mali in terms of basic social services. These improvements in people's daily lives aim to strengthen popular support for the peace process, while meeting the urgent needs of communities in the areas of major infrastructure, water and sanitation, energy and economic recovery.
All these projects mentioned and others will mainly benefit the North and Central regions and will support requests from the Malian government, international and national NGOs, international agencies and civil society. All projects are implemented through national and international non-governmental organizations, local Malian institutions and authorities and by certain components of MINUSMA.
Infographics of Trust Fund projects: HERE
For more information :
You will find on the MINUSMA website a lot of information about the projects of the Trust Fund for Peace and Security in Mali and the work of the Stabilization and Recovery Section of MINUSMA.
Trust Fund Unit for Peace and Security in Mali, Stabilization and Recovery Section, MINUSMA : sharopov@un.org
Youtube: Playlist MINUSMA / Trust Fund
Twitter: Trust Fund
** The information represented in this document is based on the most accurate data currently available from Trust Fund staff supporting ongoing projects and operations. It may be revised or updated as new or more complete data becomes available.