MINUSMA Deeply Concerned at Upsurge in Violence in the North of Mali
On 18 May, armed men attacked a FAMa checkpoint on the road between Timbuktu and Douentza. Three soldiers of the Malian Armed Forces were killed, while one other and a civilian were injured during this attack. MINUSMA extends its condolences to the families of the victims and to the Malian authorities.
On 18 May, a dozen armed men stormed the village of Zorho Djinde. As the villagers had fled before the arrival of the assailants, there were no casualties. Five houses and eight tons of grain were burned.
On 17 May, armed men shot and wounded two residents in the village of Tamachkoyt (Commune of Tonka).
On 16 May, a suicide vehicle attacked a MINUSMA convoy in the vicinity of Almoustarat (Gao region). One person was slightly injured.
Faced with this upsurge in violence, MINUSMA recalls that it is imperative that the ceasefire be maintained in Mali and makes every effort to ensure the protection of civilians, within the limits of its capacities. As already announced several times by the Security Council, those responsible for these violations will have to answer for their actions and risk having sanctions imposed on them.