Statement by the President of the Security Council
At the 8501st meeting of the Security Council, held on 3 April 2019, in connection with the Council’s consideration of the item entitled “The situation in Mali”, the President of the Security Council made the following statement on behalf of the Council:
“The Security Council recalls the provisions of resolution 2423 (2018) urging the Government of Mali and the Plateforme and Coordination armed groups to take immediate and concrete action to implement key provisions of the Roadmap adopted on 22 March 2018 over a six month period.
“The Security Council takes note of the report of the Secretary-General submitted in accordance with paragraph 6 of resolution 2423 (2018) (S/2019/207).
“The Security Council takes positive note of some progress made in the implementation of the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali (“the Agreement”) since the inauguration of President Keita on 4 September 2018. It recognizes the increased steps taken within the past eight months than during the first years after the signing of the Agreement, which were characterized by a slow pace of implementation. It welcomes: the holding of the presidential elections in a generally peaceful environment, with the support of the signatory armed groups; some progress in the decentralization process, including through the adoption of a decree setting out arrangements for the transfer of decentralized State services to local authorities in their areas of competence; further steps towards the operationalization of the interim administrations in the North of Mali; the registration of all combatants eligible to the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) process and the launch of an accelerated DDR process for 1423 combatants; the adoption of a decree setting out modalities of integration in the reformed and reconstituted and reformed Malian Defense and security forces (MDSF); increased representation of women in the current Government.
“The Security Council notes that the mobilization of the Prime Minister in support to the full and inclusive implementation of the Agreement, as well as international pressure, including through the prospect of sanctions, constituted important factors in securing these positive results. It expresses its intention to continue to closely monitor the implementation of the Agreement. It underlines that MINUSMA, along with the other security presences mentioned in resolution 2423 (2018), significantly contributes to the implementation of the Agreement and to the stabilization of Mali. It commends MINUSMA’s efforts to adopt a more robust posture over the past months as well as the intensification of the frequency and scale of its operations.
“The Security Council strongly regrets that several provisions of the Agreement referenced in paragraph 4 of resolution 2423 have not yet been fully implemented or started, despite its repeated calls in this sense over the past months: the adoption, following adequate consultations, of a legislation establishing a regional territorial police force; the allocation of the necessary human, technical and financial resources for the interim administrations in the North of Mali to perform their mission; the completed integration of at least 1000 members of the signatory arms groups in the MDSF; the start of the socioeconomic reintegration of unintegrated members of the signatory armed groups with the support of international partners; progress towards the socioeconomic development of the North of Mali, through the adoption of legislation establishing the Northern Development Zone; greater participation of women in the mechanisms established by the Agreement to support and monitor its implementation.
“The Security Council notes that protracted delays in implementation contribute to a political and security vacuum jeopardizing the stability and development of Mali as well as the viability of the Agreement. It recalls the provisions of resolution 2423 (2018) expressing the intention of the Security Council to follow closely the timely implementation of the Roadmap adopted on 22 March 2018 and to respond with measures pursuant to resolution 2374 (2017) should the parties not implement the agreed-upon commitments within the announced timeframe. It stresses that all parties to the Agreement share the primary responsibility to make steadfast progress in its implementation. It urges them to refrain from actions undermining the implementation of the Agreement. It calls upon all Malian stakeholders to support the necessary decisions for the full and inclusive implementation of the Agreement.
“The Security Council urges the Government of Mali and the Plateforme and Coordination armed groups to continue to accelerate the implementation of the Agreement, through significant, meaningful and irreversible measures to be taken on an urgent basis. It stresses the need for increased ownership and prioritization in the implementation of the Agreement. It encourages the adoption by the Malian parties of a revised roadmap with a clear, realistic and binding timeline focused on a limited number of priorities, including the completion of a constitutional reform following an inclusive and collaborative process, the adoption of a comprehensive plan for the effective redeployment of reconstituted and reformed MDSF to Northern Mali, as well as the establishment of the Northern Development Zone. It encourages the swift completion of the constitutional reform following an inclusive and collaborative process, with the full engagement and consensus of the government, signatory armed groups, the political opposition and civil society. It calls for the integration in the MDSF of the combatants taking part in the accelerated DDR process who meet the set criteria, as well as for the adoption of a draft legislation setting out the Northern Development Zone before the end of MINUSMA’s current mandate. It recalls the importance of swift progress towards equal and meaningful participation of women as set out in resolution 2423 (2018).
“The Security Council requests the Secretary-General, as part of his regular reporting on MINUSMA, to include in its next quarterly report recommendations on concrete measures in the three priority areas for a revised roadmap outlined in the paragraph above, to be fulfilled by the Malian parties during the course of MINUSMA’s upcoming mandate, on the basis of their latest commitments. It further requests the Secretary-General to provide options for a potential significant adaptation of MINUSMA, with sufficient time for Council’s consideration before the expiration of MINUSMA’s mandate, with a view to enhancing its effectiveness to support the implementation of the Agreement through a greater focus on priority tasks, without jeopardizing the stability of Mali and its region, MINUSMA’s central role in supporting the implementation of the Agreement, as well as MINUSMA’s capacity to interact with other security presences which have the potential to be mutually beneficial instruments to restore peace and stability in Mali and the Sahel region, as recognized by resolution 2423. It notes that these options should factor the dire security situation, including in Central Mali, and the threat from terrorist groups, take into account the safety and security of personnel and evaluate the current prioritization of MINUSMA’s objectives. It expresses its intention to consider these options taking into account the state and pace of implementation of the Agreement.
“The Security Council expresses increased concerns about the security situation in Central Mali. It strongly condemns the continued attacks, including terrorist attacks, against civilians, representatives from local, regional and State institutions, as well as national, international and UN security forces. It further strongly condemns the recent expansion of intercommunal violence, including the horrific attack in Ogossagou on 23 March 2019, which resulted in more than 160 civilians killed. It urges Malian authorities to ensure that those responsible for crimes involving violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law are held accountable and brought to justice without undue delay. It encourages Malian authorities to make further and continued efforts in the implementation of a comprehensive plan to re-establish state presence in Central Mali, as well as to enhance their actions to restore peaceful relations between communities. It requests the Secretary General, as part of his regular reporting on MINUSMA, to include recommendations in its next quarterly report on ways for MINUSMA to enhance its support to such efforts and actions. It further encourages MINUSMA to continue to support the restoration of State authority in the Centre and to implement its good offices, reconciliation and protection of civilians mandate, according to the relevant provisions of resolution 2423 (2018). It calls upon Malian authorities to closely coordinate with MINUSMA upcoming steps towards the restoration of State presence in the Centre.
“The Security Council reiterates its full support to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Mali and Head of MINUSMA, Mahamat Saleh Annadif, the international mediation team, MINUSMA and the other security presences in Mali and in the Sahel region, as mentioned in resolution 2423 (2018)
“The Security Council underlines that lasting peace and security in the Sahel region will not be achieved without the full, effective and inclusive implementation of the Agreement as well as a combination of political, security and development efforts benefitting all regions of Mali. It further underlines the importance of an inclusive implementation of the Agreement, which associates all Malian actors supportive of the peace process.”