Continuation of Dialogue in Mali
The Government, Malian armed groups, social and civil experts, and the international community have met to tackle diverse topics since this Thursday in Bamako.
During workshops held on Thursday, the involved parties drew lessons from past peace agreements and expressed a keen desire to move forward towards an inclusive dialogue.
Representatives of the Government and Malian armed goups debated the practical aspects of Cantonment, and the future processes of demobilisation, disarmament and reintegration of combattants this Friday, in the presence of the international community.
The special representative of the Secretary-general for the United Nations, Mr. Albert Gerard Keonders and international members from the Monitoring and Evalutation Committee for the Ougadougou Agreement of 18 June 2013 are encouraged to intensify and and accelerate the implementation of security arrangments favoring the beginning of inclusive dialogiue by Malian parties who willfully expressed themselves during the exchange.